Tuesday, December 06, 2011

End of an era - Steuben Glass closes its doors after 108 years

Yes, it's true. Steuben Glass Company, an American icon of hand-crafted crystal for more than a century, shut down it's lone factory in Corning, New York.

Thus ends a high-end glass making tradition dating back to 1903. Since 1903, Steuben glass has been fashioned into everything from fruit bowls and animal figurines to one-of-a-kind sculptures which became official gifts of American presidents from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton. Some of Steuben's art objects can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Watch the prices skyrocket now!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Abe Silverman's Antique Silver Shop opens an Antiques & Collectible shop at Ruby Lane!

Yes, years ago (2002-2003), Abe had a shop at Ruby Lane, but we closed it in order to focus on our own website for sales. 

In order to branch out and touch a new group of high-quality shoppers, we have once again returned to Ruby Lane to open a shop.
